We provide professional advisory services to carry out the registration of DATABASES AND PERSONAL DATA POLICIES, before the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, as established in external circular No.02 of November 03, 2015.

Our services, in times of Covid-19, aim to exercise the constitutional right that all people have to know, update and rectify the information that has been collected about them as holders of information in databases or files, and the other rights, freedoms and constitutional guarantees referred to in article 15 of the Political Constitution.

Habeas Data

The service includes the following scope:

Registration of the company as a user in the RNBD system, as a legal entity.

  • Completion together with the client or their staff of the “Database Registration Form”.
  • Completion of the RNBD questionnaire in order to register in the RNBD the databases identified by the client in which personal data is handled
  • Preparation of general policies for the treatment of personal data.
  • Authorization form for the processing of personal data.
  • Information privacy notice.

Does your company need advice?

We provide tailored services, adjusting to the nature and characteristics of each business.